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[:<br> Fifteen in <U>2</U> months time.<br> Jiemin Pri ; Yishun Sec.<br> 3E7.<br> <br> <a href="">Friendster</a><br> </center> </div> <div class="h2"> <div class="h4">♥ Buy for me yeah?</div><br> <div align=center> } <S>Everlast watch</S><br> } <S>New specs</S><br> } Coloured Contactlenses<br> } PSP slim<br> } New phone<br> } VAIO Laptop<br> } Ipod<br> } Money<br> <br> Last updated on 15June.<br> </div> </div> <div class="h2"> <div class="h4">♥ Tagboard.</div><br> <!-- BEGIN CBOX - --> <div align="center" id="cboxdiv"> <iframe frameborder="0" width="200" height="190" src="" marginheight="2" marginwidth="2" scrolling="auto" allowtransparency="yes" name="cboxmain" style="border:#000000 1px solid;" id="cboxmain"></iframe><br/> <iframe frameborder="0" width="200" height="100" src="" marginheight="2" marginwidth="2" scrolling="no" allowtransparency="yes" name="cboxform" style="border:#000000 1px solid;border-top:0px" id="cboxform"></iframe> </div> <!-- END CBOX --> </div> <div class="h2"> <div class="h4">♥ Links.</div><br> <div align=center> {All in alphabetical order}<br> <br> <a href="">Beverley</a><br> <a href="">Cassandra</a><br> <a href="">Cheng Jiun</a><br> <a href="">Darnell</a><br> <a href="">Fadilah</a><br> <a href="">Hilda</a><br> <a href="">Huining</a><br> <a href="">Jasmine</a><br> <a href="">Jean</a><br> <a href="">Jiale</a><br> <a href="">Jian Ming</a><br> <a href="">Joanne</a><br> <a href="">Jun Rong</a><br> <a href="">Kai Ying</a><br> <a href="">Katherine</a><br> <a href="">Lizhuang</a><br> <a href="">Madeline</a><br> <a href="">Meera</a><br> <a href="">Meiyin</a><br> <a href="">Mr Chow; aoi</a><br> <a href="">Natasha</a><br> <a href="">Nazrul</a><br> <a href="">Nicole</a><br> <a href="">Novell</a><br> <a href="">Priscilla</a><br> <a href="">Qien</a><br> <a href="">Revathy</a><br> <a href="">Safwah</a><br> <a href="">Sandy</a><br> <a href="">Shirley</a><br> <a href="">Soon Weng</a><br> <a href="">Tina</a><br> <a href="">Vivian</a><br> <a href="">Wei Yang</a><br> <a href="">Winston</a><br> <a href="">Xiu Wen</a><br> <a href="">Yanntorng</a><br> </div> </div> <div class="h2"> <div class="h4">♥ credits.</div><br> <div align=center> Adobe Photoshop Elements 6.0<br> <a href=""title="Blogskin account ♥">x</a> <a href=""title="Basecodes from chron- ♥">o</a> <a href=""title="Image from deviantart ♥">x</a> <a href=""title="Font ♥">o</a><br> </div> </div><br> </div> <div style="position: absolute; top:430; left: 215; width:355; background-color: none; padding-top: 5; padding-bottom: 5; padding-left: 5; padding-right: 5;"> <br> <div class="h2"> <div class="h3"><font face="webdings" font color="#EA2B4A" font size="+1">Y</font><br>Sunday, July 6, 2008 </div> <div class="h2"><div align=center> ♥ </div></div><br> <div style="clear:both;"></div><span style="font-size:180%;"><strong>朋友们!</strong></span><br /><span style="font-size:180%;"></span><br /><span style="font-size:180%;">I won't be updating this blog temporaily cause Im busy!</span><br /><span style="font-size:180%;">But I'll still reply to tags (:</span><br /><br /><span style="font-size:180%;">Takecare ^^</span><div style="clear:both; padding-bottom:0.25em"></div></font><br> <div align="right"> <font color="#EA2B4A">&</font> LOVE. <u>3:38 PM</u> <span style="BORDER-BOTTOM: white 0px solid"><span style="BORDER-BOTTOM: red 0px dashed"></span></span><br> </div> </div> </body></html>